Advent Poems

Get ready for a unique Advent celebration with this collection of 25 poems that will inspire you to think differently about themes like beauty, waiting, and silence. Join the poetry journaling fun!

Advent Poems
W R I T T E N  B Y
A.J. Lykosh

In a Season of Waiting for the Arrival

The original Poetry Journaling Advent Celebration.

In this collection of 25 Advent poems, come think new thoughts about gold, frankincense, and myrrh … as well as mourning, beauty, waiting, silence, and almost a score more.

Book Sample

“Frankincense: Advent XXII”


Wise Men brought

Frankincense. Holiness.

A sweet savor, put on the

Offering and the



Just so.


Think prayers, devotion.

Also used of the Song of Songs

Lover. His smell.


This gift, a prophecy at

His birth.

Advent Poems


Real insights from real readers.

I got the Advent Poems book! I love your poetry!

Adrienne Saur de Caballero

Just bought your Christmas poem book. Can’t wait to read them!! Thank you, friend, for this Christmas gift all the way here in Honduras!!

Kathy Buurma

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