Our Authors
Whether you're a seasoned prayer warrior or just starting out, our Authors can help you deepen your connection with God through prayer. This dynamic duo is the perfect team to help guide you on your prayer journey.

Bob Perry
Bob has prayed, “Lord, teach me to pray” for forty years. He’s been a passionate student of prayer, and mentored by leaders of prayer, having personal connection with Mike Bickle (IHOP-KC), Lou Engle (T3he Call), Bill Johnson (Bethel Redding), Loren Cunningham (YWAM), Dick Eastman (Every Home for Christ), Jack Hayford (Church on the Way) … and those are just the living. He also has gone deep with the saints of old.
Bob brings an encyclopedic knowledge of the scriptures, a storehouse of knowledge of prayer, and decades of honing his skill as a powerful man of prayer.
A.J. Lykosh
A.J. heard Bob say, “I’m a fasting intercessor,” and decided nothing sounded better than that. As Bob’s protege, she has been privileged to take the storehouses of treasure in Bob and release them to the wider world.
A.J. brings a background in content creation and a deep passion for the word of God and prayer.
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